This jacket is a combination of several styles and ideas from multiple centuries of military fashion, fitting in with the in setting history of the organization.
The length of the jacket is something I found common in military uniforms across Europe in the 17th century, though the slightly above the knee cut is specifically inspired by several English uniforms I found from that century.
The pin on the collar is two crossed swords of western european style, though I was going for something vaguely Nordic. The upright stiff collar itself comes from some uniforms I found in the 18th century, though unlike the length it wasn't a universal style, as collar varied by service and country.
The colored shoulders, and the off centeredness of the jacket comes from Star Trek, the shoulder pads are common in every uniform after the original series and the original movies. Though unlike in Star Trek, the colors do not denote department/branch of service, rather red and white are the universal colors of the military unit this uniform is for, the Royal Guard of my setting. The off centered design is from the formal uniforms seen in the movies with the original series cast.
The belt buckle is Yggdrasil, the branches interweave as a symbol of a united "Midgard" or Earth. It is the symbol of a country that embraced pan-humanism as an ideal in the 20th century in the setting, and successfully united the planet before aliens would come in the 21st century and blow everything up.
The boots are meant to be general militaristic boots, they aren't too important, as in they only really have ship side wear, and need to cuff on tight in order to hold someone through magnetic pads in case the ship's artificial gravity fails.
There is no undershirt, or underwear for this uniform, just a body sleeve that can interface with a helmet to serve as a temporary spacesuit in emergencies. The pants have pockets, that are obscured by the jacket, and generally it's common practice in the utility departments to flip the skirt up and tuck it under the belt. The uniform would come with a sidearm and a sword, though I could not settle on a design for either.
For the overall style of the jacket, I gave it a sort of two triangles looks, triangles to try and give it a more militaristic bearing.
17th century uniforms

18th century collar

Star Trek Colored Shoulders

Star Trek TOS formal Uniform

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